Dr. Jessica Prodger

Dr. Jessica Prodger


Jessica Prodger, PhD (she/her)
Assistant Professor, Departments of Microbiology
     & Immunology and Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Co-Director, Global Health Systems MMASc Program
Western University, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Medical Sciences Building room 386
1151 Richmond Street, London, Canada
Phone: 519-661-2111; ext: 84743
Email: jprodge@uwo.ca


Dr. Jessica Prodger is a Tier II Canada Research Chair in Genital Immunology and STI prevention, with a primary appointment in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology. She received her PhD from the University of Toronto and completed Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and at the Laboratory for Immunoregulation at the National Institutes of Health. Her research is focused on understanding the drivers of inflammation in the genital mucosa and the downstream effects of inflammation on sexual health, with a specific focus on penile HIV susceptibility and neovaginal health in transfeminine individuals. Dr. Prodger is a longstanding Research Collaborator at the Rakai Health Sciences Program in Uganda and is the Director of the Global Health Systems Master’s program – a collaborative professional degree program at Western University run jointly between the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry and the Faculty of Health Sciences.